
The 2023/2024 school year has begun

Startwochenende Bibelschule 2023

The 2023/2024 school year has begun

The 2023/24 school year began in September at three locations, the master level course „Theology I“ took place in the Czech Republic at the end of August, and the Isaiah Conference took place at the beginning of September.

The 2023/24 school year began in September at three locations with a total of 290 students. Four programs are being taught in Berlin, Soest and Zurich: „Bible Survey“, „Profitable Bible Study“, „Expository Preaching“ and „Biblical Counseling.“

In all 3 locations the students were able to familiarize themselves with the online learning platform and the course syllabus during the first weekend before the first lessons began. During the breaks there were opportunities to have conversations and exchange ideas over lunch, coffee or snacks with students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We thank God for a successful school start. Please pray that the lessons and homework will be a blessing for all of the students and their churches.

In addition to the start of school, two seminars were held. The masters course „Theology I“ took place in Kroměříž, Czech Republic at the end of August, and the four-day Isaiah conference took place at the beginning of September in Berlin.

Class: Expository Preaching

Masters level course „Theology I”

The EBTC masters level course „Theology I“ took place in Kroměříž, Czech Republic at the end of August. Dr. Anthony Váhala taught the following topics: „Introduction: Prolegomena“, „God’s Word: Bibliology“ and „The Godhead: Theology Proper.“

The focus was on theology proper. This deals with God’s nature, His attributes and His work. God possesses so-called incommunicable attributes, which he alone possesses, such as his omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience or self-existence. Furthermore, we see the so-called communicable attributes of God, such as His love, goodness and mercy. These give us a pattern for our lives. One thing became especially clear in all of this study about God’s nature and character: Some things about God are sealed and unfathomable to us, while others are clearly revealed to us – either through creation or directly through His Word. Moses described God in his song as follows:

„The Rock, his work is perfect,

    for all his ways are justice.

A God of faithfulness and without iniquity,

    just and upright is he.“ (Deut. 32:4)

One participant summarized the course this way:

„The more you study God’s nature and attributes, the more humble you become as a human being. The fact that this great and exalted God shows mercy and love to rebellious people leads to deep gratitude.“

This course was the beginning of a new term for the EBTC Masters Program. The seminar participants came from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Lebanon and Switzerland. This program is for men who want to be better equipped for pastoral ministry. The goal of these men is to teach God’s Word with care and accuracy and to lead others to do the same.

The Isaiah Conference

This year’s Isaiah Conference had many goals: to become better acquainted with the book of Isaiah, to place it in the context of redemptive history, and to apply it practically. More than 80 people gathered at the EBTC from September 4th to 7th to attend the lectures and workshops.

Tim Dane, pastor of Mesa Hills Bible Church in Colorado Springs, USA, was the main speaker for the conference, teaching 14 sessions and 2 workshops on the book of Isaiah.

The Isaiah Conference began on Monday with a general overview of the book of Isaiah. Tim Dane explained the biblical key data of the book, with a special focus on looking at Isaiah in its historical-grammatical context. From Tuesday to Thursday the participants dove into various topics with Tim Dane. Among other things, he explained how prophetic books are understood and interpreted, and how the prophet Isaiah is quoted in the New Testament. Another lecture dealt with the Gospel in the book of Isaiah.

In addition, two workshops were held by Tim Dane and Thomas Westermann. Thomas spoke on the practical interpretation and application of Isaiah 42 and 44, while Tim taught participants general principles on how to move from a biblical text to interpretation and then on to application in our day.

Overall, the conference was a great blessing to all of the participants who wanted to dive into the book of Isaiah, and who wanted to learn and apply the principles of biblical exposition.

Module für die Gemeindemusik

Wir bieten...

  • Module für Gemeindemusiker und Musikinteressierte
  • Module für Liederschreiber
  • in Berlin, Rheinland und Zürich
  • auch als Online-Modul
  • 5 Monate, keine Voraussetzungen