TMAI Member School

EBTC is a Member School of TMAI. TMAI is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by training national church leaders to be approved pastor-teachers, able to equip their churches to make biblically sound disciples.
At TMAI, the core values are based on biblical principles, and shape everything we do:

Authority of Scripture: The inerrant and sufficient Word of God is our ultimate authority. Therefore, we submit to His Word in all areas of life and ministry (2 Tim 3:16). 

Centrality of the Local Church: The church is the pillar and support of the truth (1 Tim 3:15) and the institution that Christ promised to build (Matt 16:18). Therefore, our training has as its goal the strengthening of His church.

Priority of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus Christ alone is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes (Rom 1:16). Therefore, fundamental to our theological education is an accurate and thorough proclamation of this true gospel.

Importance of Integrity: We uphold God’s high standard of holiness and integrity for spiritual leaders (1 Tim 3). Therefore, we provide accountability in doctrinal, financial, and academic matters.

Value of Respect: We approach international ministry with a commitment to honoring our co-laborers in other countries. Therefore, we purpose from the outset to train in a way so as to entrust the training ministries into their capable hands (2 Tim 2:2).


Stewardship: TMAI provides a return on investment that is unmatched: For the cost of bringing one man to be trained in America, TMAI schools can train as many as 30 men in their own countries.

Impact: National church leaders are often more effective than foreign missionaries since they intuitively know the language, the culture, and the people of their own country.

Multiplication: By training one local pastor, we are strengthening an entire church congregation, which then influences a whole community.

Maturity: TMAI grounds men in the Word of God and gives them the skills to powerfully exposit the Scriptures and shepherd the flock. In short, these are approved workmen who accurately handle the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15).

Longevity: Trained national pastors are not subject to visa challenges or diplomatic volatility, but are instead equipped for a lifetime of ministry even after missionaries leave.

Presence: TMAI faculty live full-time in the country where they minister, allowing them to fully invest in and disciple their students.

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