Gemeindemusik Ausbildung Worship

Music Ministry

Based on the conviction of the sufficiency of Scripture, and the understanding of the importance of music as a means of teaching of the Word of Christ (Colossians 3:16), we train men and women to have a biblical understanding of music in the church.

Our program aims to raise a generation of theologically sound musicians that will influence their local church music ministry, as well as raise the next generation of theologically sound musicians out of their own ranks.

The Music Ministry program is for those who actively serve in music at their local church. It is our goal to teach biblical principles and the musical skills to execute these principles, so that the music ministry at your local church can grow and be God honoring.


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What we offer

Our program is built on three pillars:

Music: we promote musical skills through practical, as well as theoretical abilities. To this end we offer the following courses: The Nature of Music, Practical Ensemble, Applied Harmony, and Rhythm, as well as reading and writing arrangements.

Theology: Theology matters. Our program grows the students‘ knowledge of the Bible, teaches principles of interpretation, and aims to grow the fear of God. The student will think more theologically in his selection of music and the way to present it. Our desire is that the local church will grow in unity when it comes to music in the church. The following courses are offered to that end: Bible Foundation, Principles of Interpretation, Worship in the Bible and Philosophy of Music Ministry.

Character: It is God’s desire that we all grow in His likeness. The program helps the student to hold up his or her own life against God’s will and helps him or her evaluate whether he or she lives up to what he or she sings and plays. The aim is that every student grows in repentance and dependency throughout this year.